Life Eternal Trust Australia

Life Eternal Trust Australia

The Administrative Body for Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Australia

Life Eternal Trust Australia (‘LETA’)

Life Eternal Trust Australia (‘LETA’) was established in 1986 as the peak administrative body to administer and promote Sahaja Yoga and its meditation, which has been practised and taught by volunteers as a community service throughout Australia since 1981.

Sahaja Yoga (‘SY’) is a worldwide community service, operating independently in each country. SY Australia also runs autonomously and is completely self-funded.

Our Mission Statement

To provide individuals and communities in Australia and around the world with free access to the unique non-commercial Sahaja Yoga Meditation method. This meditation method has an integrated yet simple approach for the practitioner to attain physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and which crosses cultural, racial, age, socio economic status and location barriers by providing face-to-face classes or online services.

Latest News

  • 12th October 2021: LETA supports the Hindu Council submission for the protection of the Swastika from Anti Vilification legislation. Read more.
  • 27th March 2020: LETA receives Commonwealth Bank Bushfire Recovery grant. Read more.


LETA has been set up for the purpose of operating as an administrative organisation to manage the affairs of Sahaja Yoga meditation on a national basis. Its operations are managed and overseen by the Trustee-Directors.

The Trustee-Directors take responsibility for the operations of LETA, the management of its finances and the management of the affairs of Sahaja Yoga meditation on a national basis.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Sahaja Yoga meditation was developed by Nobel Peace Prize nominee Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970. It is a proven and unique approach to attaining mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Shri Mataji dedicated Her life to helping humanity realise its innate spiritual nature through an experience known as Self-Realisation. In recognition of Her lifetime’s tremendous work of transforming humanity through collective en-masse Self-Realisation, Shri Mataji has been publicly acclaimed and awarded honours by the Governments and leaders of many nations. Her core teaching is that within us all, lies a transformative potential which can be awakened using Her Self-Realisation method. By doing so, we can bring peace and well-being to ourselves, our families, our social institutions, our nations and our world.


Funded only by voluntary donations from regular practitioners, and functioning as a non-profit community service, Sahaja Yoga has no paid positions and is conducted entirely by volunteers in their free time. This is in keeping with Shri Mataji’s principles who never charged for Her work and insisted that Her teachings and techniques should be available to all, at no cost.

Charitable Status

LETA is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) in the ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC and WA. As a registered charity must comply with the ACNC’s  financial recording keeping, reporting obligations and governance standards.

(The above Registered Charity Tick symbol has been created by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) to assist Australian charities demonstrate their charitable status to the public and that they are registered with the ACNC)

LETA is also a member of the Local Community Services Association of NSW.

Life Eternal Trust Australia

Administrative Body for Sahaja Yoga Meditation Australia
Registered Office: 12 Clarence Street Burwood NSW 2134 Australia
ABN: 99071308371
To locate a free Sahaja Yoga meditation class, go to